Pretty in pink valentine's bouquet


Our pretty in pink valentine inspired bouquet is a hand tied bouquet featuring roses, protea, foliage and more! Made with love 💕

Free front porch delivery to residential homes or business February 14th included for Albany, Corvallis, Philomath and Lebanon. Just add the address you’d like it delivered to in the shipping information section.

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Our pretty in pink valentine inspired bouquet is a hand tied bouquet featuring roses, protea, foliage and more! Made with love 💕

Free front porch delivery to residential homes or business February 14th included for Albany, Corvallis, Philomath and Lebanon. Just add the address you’d like it delivered to in the shipping information section.

Our pretty in pink valentine inspired bouquet is a hand tied bouquet featuring roses, protea, foliage and more! Made with love 💕

Free front porch delivery to residential homes or business February 14th included for Albany, Corvallis, Philomath and Lebanon. Just add the address you’d like it delivered to in the shipping information section.